
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Episode 40: Leslie Slape; playwright, storyteller, journalist, author
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Episode 40: Leslie Slape; playwright, storyteller, journalist, author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 32 minutes)
:39 - Introduction to Leslie Slape
2:42 - Leslie shares her writing background with a newspaper
3:19- Leslie talks about her published works & her play that is released on another podcast
4:55 - Vikki & Leslie talk about the Salal Review
7:55 - Leslie shares about storytelling
8:47- Leslie & Vikki go deeper into the process of storytelling
14:46 - Leslie discusses how her writing has changed since she has been a storyteller
15:51 - Leslie & Vikki talk about performance arts, acting, and writing
17:30 - Vikki discussed her inspiration with public speaking
18:05 - Leslie shares her playwriting and the release of The Harder Courage on Play4Keeps.org podcast
24:13 - Leslie shares her inspiration
27:17 - Leslie reads from The Harder Courage
34:30 - Leslie shares what she is currently working on
Connect with Leslie Slape:
Leslie’s website: https://leslieslape.wordpress.com
Leslie’s Play The Harder Courage on Play4Keeps.org podcast: https://play4keeps.org/play/the-harder-courage/
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
Storyteller Network: http://storyteller.net
Storytelling Guilds in the Pacific Northwest: http://www.portlandstorytellers.org/resources/guilds-pacific-northwest/
The Storyteller’s Start-up Book by Margaret Read MacDonald: https://www.amazon.com/Storytellers-Start-Up-Book-Performing-Folktales/dp/0874833051/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1549383407&sr=8-1&keywords=the+storytellers+start+up+book
Salal Review: http://www.salalreview.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Feb 04, 2019
Episode 39: Naomi Wark; Novel on Aging with Alzheimer’s
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Episode 39: Naomi Wark; Novel on Aging with Alzheimer’s
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 32 minutes)
:35 - Introduction to Naomi
2:42 - Naomi shares her writing process & schedule
4:20 - Naomi shares her titles
5:47 - Naomi discusses her self-publishing journey
7:55 - Vikki & Naomi talk about her cover art
10:10- Naomi shares her support groups
11:55 - Naomi talks about her inspiration for her title Wildflowers in Winter
15:15 - Naomi reads from Wildflowers in Winter
Connect with Naomi Wark:
Naomi on All Author: https://allauthor.com/profile/gnome53/
Naomi on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15857791.Naomi_Wark
Naomi on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Wildflowers-Winter-Alzheimers-Naomi-Wark/dp/1539332489/ref=sr_1_1?
Naomi on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pg/Naomi-Wark-Author-119490975163874/posts/?ref=page_internal
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
Alzheimer’s Association: https://www.alz.org/
Skagit Valley Writers League: http://www.skagitwriters.org/
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Episode 38: Susan DeFreitas; Collaborative Editor and Marketing Consultant for Indigo Editing Services: Part 3 of 3.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 29 minutes)
1:34 - Vikki & Susan start the podcast with Susan’s ideal editing client scenario
5:25 - Vikki & Susan talks about the NaNoWriMo experience and editing from that draft
6:58 - Vikki shares her first draft jitters
7:55 - Susan address her favorite marketing client scenario
9:10 - Susan touches on the reality of client expectations
13:10 - Vikki recaps Susan’s ideal marketing client
13:14 - Susan shares the problem client scenario
19:37 - Vikki & Susan talk about emotional intelligence & receiving feedback
21:25 - Susan shares how valuable coach analogy
22:54 - Susan talk about “firing” a client for the healthiness of the author
25:56 - Susan discusses the client “firing” an editor for healthiness
26:47 - Vikki shares her insights from visiting with Susan over the three episodes
Find out more about Indigo Editing Services:
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Episode 37: Susan DeFreitas; Collaborative Editor and Marketing Consultant for Indigo Editing Services: Part 2 of 3.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 39 minutes)
:35 - Vikki & Susan start the podcast topic: marketing
1:05 - Vikki asks about authors thinking about marketing before writing the book
2:10- Susan defines what marketing really is all about for authors
3:05 - Susan address writing knowing a genre vs. chasing a trend
4:20 - Susan shares a metaphor to get authors started with marketing
7:38 - Susan addresses announcements on social media vs. shameless self-promotion
8:10 - Susan talks about an author email list
15:05 - Vikki & Susan talk about “grassroots” marketing
16:20- Susan & Vikki dive deeper into the use of social media for authors
22:30 - Vikki & Susan talk about face-to-face marketing
28:55 - Vikki wraps back around to author newsletters
35:30 - Susan closes the podcast with her top tips for authors regarding marketing
Find out more about Indigo Editing Services:
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening! If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Episode 36: Susan DeFreitas; Collaborative Editor and Marketing Consultant for Indigo Editing Services: Part 1 of 3.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 38 minutes)
:35 - Introduction to Susan
1:55 - Susan defines the different types of editing
5:15- Susan clears up Vikki’s question about readers response vs. Beta readers
6:25 - Susan address cost & content, development feedback
9:25 - Susan address Vikki’s concerns about the “perfect” manuscript
13:07- Susan shares a perfect analogy for authors about the editing process
14:33 - Susan defines line editing
18:39 - Susan discusses proofreading & the different stylizations of proofreading
24:10 - Vikki and Susan revisit the cost of hiring a professional editor
27:01 - Susan shares her best tip for authors
33:05 - Susan & Vikki talk about the selection of an editor based on genre and relationship
Find out more about Indigo Editing Services:
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Episode 35: Marcia K. Morgan; Amazon Bestseller Self-help & Nonfiction Author
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Episode 35: Marcia K. Morgan; Amazon Bestseller Self-help & Nonfiction Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 40 minutes)
:35 - Introduction to Marcia
1:33 - Marcia shares a bit about her background
2:54 - Marcia talks about her work with crime victims & her background in criminology
6:09 - Marcia and Vikki discuss her current work GO! How To Get Going and Achieve Your Goals and Dreams
8:45 -Vikki revisits her goals towards publishing with Marcia
10:23 - Marcia and Vikki discuss the loss of dreams as a youth
12:10 - Marcia shares about her publishing journey
15:50 - Vikki and Marcia talk about author’s platforms
22:20 - Marcia and Vikki talk about finding an agent
22: 41 - Marcia talks about working with an editor
24:36 - Marcia shares advice about having a writer’s group for feedback & other support groups
28:30 - Marcia discusses her inspiration
31:17 - Marcia reads from GO!
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Central Oregon Writer’s Guild: https://www.centraloregonwritersguild.com/index.html/
Connect with Marcia K. Morgan:
Marcia’s Website:http://marciakmorgan.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 17, 2018
Episode 34: Jeremiah Franklin; YA, Post Apocalyptic Fiction
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Episode 34: Jeremiah Franklin; YA, Post Apocalyptic Fiction
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 39 minutes)
:51- Introduction to Jeremiah
2:09- Vikki & Jeremiah discuss his background
8:11-Jeremiah shares about his genre and his book
10:20- Vikki and Jeremiah discuss the YA market
12:11 -Jeremiah talks about his traditional publishing journey
13:30- Jeremiah discusses how he found his agent & provides tips for success
17:47 - Vikki & Jeremiah talk about marketing.
20:10 - Jeremiah discusses support groups
22:56 - Jeremiah shares his motivation
24:35 - Jeremiah reads from Dark Tomorrow; Rise of the Crow
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Agent Query Connect: http://agentqueryconnect.com
Month9Books: https://www.month9books.com
Connect with Jeremiah Franklin:
Jeremiah’s Website: http://jeremiahfranklin.com
Jeremiah on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjeremiahfranklin/
Jeremiah on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jfranklinauthor
Jeremiah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremiahfranklin_author/?hl=en
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Episode 33: Philip Kenney; Therapist & Historical Fiction - Great Depression
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 52 minutes)
1:08 - Introduction to Philip
2:56- Philip shares a bit about himself
10:00 - Philip talks about his two titles & his publishing journey
14:48 - Philip talks about working with a publisher & editor
18:14 -Philip discusses the emotional reasons that stop writers from writing & he shares about his first book, Radiance
22:10- Philip reads from Radiance
32:10 - Vikki & Philip talk about his new work, The Writer’s Crucible; Vikki & Philip go deeper into the discussion regarding insecurities, self-doubt, and the inner critic.
35:37 - Philip talks about the primes of his work, The Writer’s Crucible.
44:55 - Philip reads from The Writer’s Crucible
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
InkWater Press: https://inkwater.com
Indigo Editing: http://indigoediting.com
Sara Werner’s Podcast: https://www.sarahwerner.com/podcasts/
Broadway Books: https://www.broadwaybooks.net
Connect with Philip Kenney:
Philips Website:https://www.philip-kenney.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 03, 2018
Episode 32: Bharti Kirchner; Cookbook & Literary Fiction Author
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Episode 32: Bharti Kirchner; Cookbook & Literary Fiction Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 43 minutes)
:50 - Introduction to Bharti
2:56- Bharti shares the genres she has published from cookbooks to a mystery author
4:40- Bharti goes deeper into her cookbook titles and topics
7:09 - Bharti talks about her transition into literary commercial fiction
9:33 - Bharti discusses her new mystery series
11:00 - Vikki and Bharti talk about the writing process & outlining
12:48 - Bharti shares her traditional publishing experiences
14:10 - Bharti reveals her tips for being noticed and published
15:50 - Vikki and Bharti talk about support groups & writers conferences
19:18 - Bharti shares what inspires her and keeps her motivated
22:27 - Bharti and Vikki talk about grants and awards
26:40 - Bharti reads from her work Season of Sacrifice
Connect with Bharti Kirchner:
Bharti’s Website: http://www.bhartikirchner.com
Bharti on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bharti_Kirchner
Bharti on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bharti.kirchner
Bharti on Amazon: https://authorcentral.amazon.com/gp/profile
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Episode 31: Sheryl Scarborough; YA Mysteries; Thrillers
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Episode 31: Sheryl Scarborough; YA Mysteries; Thrillers
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 45 minutes)
:30 - Introduction to Sheryl
3:00 - Sheryl shares a little bit about herself & how she started writing YA Mysteries
5:24 - Sheryl shares about her genre
6:01 - Vikki asks questions about the genre and how Sheryl generates her mysteries
7:20 - Sheryl shares the premise of her first book
8:20 - Vikki shares her love for unsolved mysteries
9:20 - Sheryl talks about her publication journey
10:20 - Vikki & Sheryl talk about education
14:10 Sheryl shares about support groups & organizations
15:40 - Sheryl defines New Adult genre
16:50 - Sheryl discusses her theory with the YA & Women Fiction genres
24:40 - Sheryl and Vikki discuss marketing, writers group & beta readers
28:37 - Sheryl discusses her talking points for To Catch a Killer
34:00 - Sheryl reads from To Catch a Killer
Vikki closes the podcast with an announcement for authors in the Lower Columbia Region regarding submitting to the Salal Review; Volume 19. More information can be found here:
Connect with Sheryl Scarborough:
Sheryl’s Website: http://www.sherylscarborough.com
Links Mentioned in Podcast:
Author Mentioned on Podcast: Chuck Palahniuck: https://chuckpalahniuk.net
Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators: https://www.scbwi.org
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.