
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Episode 60: Roxanne San Jose; Special Guest Author from Avid Publishing.
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Episode 60: Roxanne San Jose; Special Guest Author from Avid Publishing.
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 22 min)
:26 - Introduction to Roxanne
1:51 - Roxanne & Vikki talk about higher education
3:09- Roxanne & Vikki talks about her political science degree & her family food connections
3:34 - Roxanne shares about her Las Vegas family business
4:30 - Roxanne & Vikki talk about the Grand Cannon
5:30- Roxanne shares what she is currently reading
6:30 - Roxanne talks about when she knew she was a writer
6:52 - Roxanne and Vikki talk about her publishing journey
10:18 - Roxanne talks about her writing process
12:34 - Roxanne shares about her traditional publishing journey versus self-publishing
13:32 - Roxanne talks about marketing
15:14 - Roxanne shares about beta readers & an editor
16:51 - Roxanne reads from Time Travel
Connect with :
Roxanne’s website: https://roxannesanjose.wixsite.com/roxannesanjose?fbclid=IwAR1-b1bF6Pc33bEwxup1uvjMlLUhYmwjNQR7ef6B_p-t5Dc5InVHOzslLCI
Roxanne on Facebook: www.facebook.com/roxanneasanjose
Roxanne on Twitter: www.twitter.com/sjroxanne
Roxanne on Instagram: www.instagram.com/roxanne_sanjose
Avid Publishing: https://www.avid-publishing.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Monday Jun 24, 2019
Episode 59: Brian Birnbaum; Special Guest Author from Dead Rabbits Books
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Episode 59: Brian Birnbaum; Special Guest Author from Dead Rabbits Books
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 52 min)
:32 - Introduction to Brian Birnbaum
1:42 - Brian shares his Pacific Northwest history
2:50 - Brian & Vikki discuss the PNW weather
4:32- Brian talks about his job in Seattle years ago & writing
5:40 - Vikki talks about her dogs with Brian & working from home
6:32 - Brian shares about his day job
10:23 - Brian shares a bit about himself
11:38 - Brian talks about his writing style & when he knew he was an author
16:05 - Brian shares his publishing journey & being a Co-Founder of Dead Rabbits Books
23:00 - Brian shares about his book Emerald City
30:36 - Brian shares about his Pacific Northwest book tour
33:01 - Brian reads from Emerald City
Connect with :
Brian’s Website: https://www.briansbirnbaum.com/new-page
Dead Rabbit Books:http://deadrabbitsbooks.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Jun 17, 2019
Episode 58: Part 2 of The Writer’s Crucible with Philip Kenney
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Episode 58: Part 2 of The Writer’s Crucible with Philip Kenney
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 50 min)
:42 - Vikki recaps from Part 1/Episode 57
1:42 - Vikki outlines parts 3- 5 of the book
2:17 - Philip talks about the theater of the mind
6:30 - Vikki & Philip talk about drama & trauma
17:59 - Philip talks about the section “Materials” from the book
21:01 - Vikki and Philip talk about the metaphors of the pencil and the writer’s desk
28:18 - Philip talks about discipline with writing routines
32:45 - Philip breaks down the section “Novel Ideas” from the book
35:10 - Vikki reads from her favorite section of the book
41:30 - Philip discusses the last section of the book
51:22 - Philip talks about writing dedicating to our ancestors & the creative impulses
53:41 - Philip takes out the podcast with a short reading
Connect with :
Philip’s Website: https://www.philip-kenney.com
PNWA Writer’s Conference: https://www.pnwa.org/page/conference
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Jun 10, 2019
Episode 57: Part 1 of The Writer’s Crucible with Philip Kenney
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Episode 57: Part 1 of The Writer’s Crucible with Philip Kenney
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 51:10 min)
1:30 - Reintroduction to Philip Kenny
2:45 - Vikki jumps into the discussion with Philip about the concepts introduced in the Writer’s Crucible
4:32 - Philip discusses the “not good enough” mindset
19:15 - Vikki & Philip discuss meditation
26:44 - Philip shares a poem to help Vikki with some of the concepts they are discussing
32:13 - Philip and Vikki talk about the moment that writing changed them
34:11 - Philip shares his favorite line from his book
34:50 - Vikki explores the concept from the first two parts of Philip’s book
37:21 - Philip and Vikki discuss being too serious within the “self project”
42:20 - Vikki previews Part 2 of the Writer’s Crucible discussion in episode
42:55 - Philip gives advice about the “self project”
47:46 - Philip shares about his speaking engagements
Connect with :
Philip’s Website: https://www.philip-kenney.com
PNWA Writer’s Conference: https://www.pnwa.org/page/conference
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Jun 03, 2019
Episode 56: Colin Conway & Frank Zafiro - Crime Novel Co-Authors
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Episode 56: Colin Conway & Frank Zafiro - Crime Novel Co-Authors
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 1 hour)
1:37 - Introduction to Colin & Frank
9:00 - Colin shares a bit about his writing journey
11:30 - Colin shares about his first books Tales from the Road & The Side Hustle
14:08- Colin shares about his 509 crime series
18:57 - Colin talks about self-publishing the 509 series
20:33 - Vikki & Colin talk about the business of being an author
22:27 - Frank shares about the partnership of working with Colin
23:53 - Frank talks about his and Colin’s dual first-person narrative with alternating chapters
27:23 - Frank shares about the editing process
29:00 - Frank talks about Charlie 316 point of view & Vikki asks questions about their writing process
32:31 - Colin goes deeper into the writing co-authoring process
33:45 - Vikki asks about the mechanics of working in a co-authoring process
37:20 - Colin share about the moderation factor of working with a co-author
38:46 - Colin talks about Charlie 316
41:00 - Vikki, Colin, and Frank explore crime fiction and true crime writers in Washington state
42:17 - Colin & Frank talk about the release of Charlie 316
49:31 - Frank introduces the reading; Colin reads from Charlie 316
Connect with Colin & Frank:
Colin Conway’s Website: https://colinconway.com
Frank Zafiro’s Website: http://www.frankzafiro.com
Down and Out Books: https://downandoutbooks.com/submissions/
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Tuesday May 28, 2019
Episode 55: David Devine; Ghostwriter, Political Science Fiction, & Biographer
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Episode 55: David Devine; Ghostwriter, Political Science Fiction, & Biographer
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 52:39 min.)
:35 - Introduction to David Devine
2:30 - David shares about his writing experiences as a ghostwriter
8:00- David & Vikki discuss the relationship between the writer and ghostwriter
12:36- David shares about being proactive in his writing journey
17:00 - David talks about his book titles
18:29- David shares about his writing process
23:33- Vikki & David talk about his publishing journey
26:27 - David shares his inspiration
29:26 - David talks about crowdfunding
37:35 - David reads from Growing Food God’s Way
Connect with David Devine
David’s website: https://www.growingfoodgodsway.com
David’s eBook Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Growing-Food-Gods-Way-Gautschi-ebook/dp/B010CFBPKG/
David on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/growingfoodgodsway/?ref=hl
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
Paul Gautschi’s website: https://www.backtoedenfilm.com/paul-gautschi.html
Joel Salatin’s website: http://www.polyfacefarms.com
Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website.
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Monday May 20, 2019
Episode 54: Thomas Kohnstamm; Seattle’s Travel Writer & Fiction Author
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Episode 54: Thomas Kohnstamm; Seattle’s Travel Writer & Fiction Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 34:35 min.)
:37 - Introduction to Thomas Kohnstamm
3:00- Thomas shares a bit about his book Lake City
4:15- Thomas & Vikki talk about living in the Pacific Northwest
5:16 - Vikki and Thomas talk about her roots with Seattle
5:51 -Thomas shares about his background & his travel writing experiences
10:16- Thomas shares about the first book experiences & national coverage
12:20- Thomas shares about his writing experiences with Lake City
13:25 - Vikki & Thomas talk about the changes in the creative energy with the involvement of others
15:01 - Thomas talks about the positive side of having a day job
17:12 - Vikki thanks Thomas for his encouragement from his journey
18:33 - Thomas & Vikki talk about her slow process with her first book
20:58 - Thomas shares his writing process
26:06 - Thomas reads from Lake City
Connect with Thomas Kohnstamm
Thomas’ website: https://thomaskohnstamm.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Episode 53: Lisa Reddick; Ecopsychologiest & Fiction Author from Edmonds, Washington
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 38:15 min.)
:42 - Introduction to Lisa Reddick
3:09- Lisa shares a bit about herself & her first book
5:23 - Lisa talks about her background in ecopsychology
10:31 -Lisa shares about her writing journey
13:04 -Lisa talks about the inspiration of her book
18:28 - Lisa shares her journey with the hybrid publishing journey
24:43- Lisa talks about a community of authors
27:27 - Lisa reads from The Same River
Connect with Lisa Reddick:
Lisa’s Website: lisareddick.com
Lisa on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaReddick77/
Lisa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lisareddick77
Resources Talked about on the Podcast:
Barbara Kingsolver’s website: http://www.kingsolver.com
She Write’s Publishing: https://www.shewrites.com
Girl Friday Productions: https://www.girlfridayproductions.com
BookSparks: https://gobooksparks.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
You can sign up to win free signed copies of books featured on this podcast here!
If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us onFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website.
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Monday May 06, 2019
Episode 52: PJ Peterson; Mystery Author
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Episode 52: PJ Peterson; Mystery Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 30:42 min.)
:29 - Introduction to PJ Peterson
2:22- PJ shares a bit about her writing
3:45 - PJ & talk what she is reading
4:57 - PJ shares about when she knew she was an author
5:56 -PJ talks about her self-publishing journey
11:30 - PJ shares about writing groups & professional editors
13:07 - PJ shares her inspiration for each book
17:10- PJ talks about her fundraiser idea
19:40- PJ shares wisdom for aspiring authors
21:15 PJ reads from Blind Fish Don’t Talk
Connect with PJ Peterson:
PJ’s website: https://www.finngirl.com
Resources Talked about on the Podcast:
52 Novels: https://www.52novels.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
You can sign up to win free signed copies of books featured on this podcast here!
If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website.
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Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Episode 51: Mikko Azul; Puget Sound Epic High Fantasy Author from Not a Pipe Publishing
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 38:12 min.)
:28 - Introduction to Mikko Azul.
2:18- Mikko shares a bit about herself.
2:40 - Mikko talks about when she knew she was an author.
4:07 - Mikko shares about her genre and her writing process.
6:20 - Mikko discusses world creation for her novels.
8:30 - Mikko shares where her ideas come from for her work.
10:30 - Mikko talks about editing and writer’s groups.
14:08 - Mikko shares her publishing journey.
21:10- Mikko & Vikki talk about Pinterest.
23:39- Mikko reads from Staff of Fire and Bone.
Connect with Mikko Azul:
Mikko’s website:https://mikkoazul.com
Not a Pipe Publishing: http://www.notapipepublishing.com
Resources Talked about on the Podcast:
Author House Publishing: https://www.authorhouse.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
You can sign up to win free signed copies of books featured on this podcast here!
If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us onFacebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website.
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