
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Episode 80: William (Bill) Kenower; Lecturer, Coach, and Author of Fearless Writing
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 52 min.)
:35 - Introduction to William (Bill)
1:30 -William shares about living in Seattle & LA
3:59 - William talks about his podcast & his writing magazine
8:35 - William & Vikki talk about Vikki’s fears
10:59- William talks about “picturing your audience” as a writer
15:47- William shares the one question authors should ask about their audience
16:11 - Vikki & William discuss pitching & marketing
18:52 - William & Vikki talk about authenticity
20:14 -William shares a metaphor for rejection
23:13 - Vikki shares her growth regarding feedback
25:00 William talks about when a work is done
29:00 - William & Vikki talk about Vikki’s writing process
31:32 - William shares his tip for finding time to write
34:33- William discussed the creative life & the unknown of the creative life
36:48 - Vikki and William talk about living a full-time creative life
41:07- William talks about self-publishing
42: 40 - William gives Vikki insight about finding a publisher & agent
45:06 - Vikki shares about one of her new projects
46:20 - William reads from Fearless Writing
48:07 - Vikki closes the podcast by talking about what is coming up for William in 2020
Connect with William Kenower:
Williams’s website: https://www.williamkenower.com
Resources Mentioned:
AuthorMagazine.org: https://www.authormagazine.org
Writers Digest: https://www.writersdigest.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Episode 79: Tahseen Paulson author of The Princesses of Aikman Road and Impoverished Splendor
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 42.6 min.)
:35 - Introduction to Tahseen
1:30 -Tahseen shares a story about Vikki & her mutual author friend, Mike Salt
4:49 - Tahseen & Vikki talk about connections
5:25 - Tahseen shares what she is reading
7:46-Tahseen talks about her background
9:10- Tahseen shares about her book
11:25 - Tahseen talks about the writing journey with her sister
13:44 - Tahseen shares about she worked with her sister as a co-author
15:12 -Tahseen talks about the publishing journey
21:13 - Tahseen shares her inspiration
24:02 Tahseen reads from The Princesses of Aikman Road and Impoverished Splendor
39:00 - Tahseen shares encouragement to other writers
Connect with Tahseen Paulson:
Tahseen’s website: https://tahseenpaulson.wixsite.com/website
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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Monday Jan 06, 2020
Episode 78: Update with Jeremiah Franklin
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Episode 78: Update with Jeremiah Franklin
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 20 min.)
:35 - Introduction to Jeremiah Franklin
1:18 - Jeremiah shares about the first book in his trilogy.
2:14 - Jeremiah introduces his second book, Cult of the Crow
2:32- Jeremiah gets listeners up to speed with what he has been doing
3:10 -Jeremiah shares about the American Library Association conference
5:19 - Jeremiah & Vikki talk about writing workshops for students
7:25 - Vikki reveals her new project: Author’s Librarian
8:00 - Jeremiah shares what he has learned during the year
9:54 -Jeremiah reads from Cult of the Crow
15:48 - Vikki & Jeremiah close the podcast talking about the blog post that Jeremiah will write for Squishpen Productions
17:37: Jeremiah shares what’s happening for him in 2020
Production Note: You can access Jeremiah’s first interview, Episode #34 here.
Connect with Jeremiah Franklin:
Jeremiah’s website: https://jeremiahfranklin.com
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
American Library Association Conference: http://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/upcoming-annual-conferences-midwinter-meetings
Squishpen Productions Blog: https://www.squishpen.com/vikkijcarterblog
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website.

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Episode 77: Julia Stoops: Visual Artist & Author of Parts per Million
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Episode 77: Julia Stoops: Visual Artist & Author of Parts per Million
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 1 hour 12 min.)
:48 - Introduction to Julia Stoops
1:50 - Julia & Vikki talk about living in Portland
3:40 - Julia talks about her day job
5:00- Julia & Vikki talk about web design
8:16 - Julia talks about marketing her book
11:27 - Julia shares what she is currently reading
15:22 -Julia talks about the title of her book Parts per Million
28:42 - Julia shares about her writing group
33:19- Julia talks about her publishing journey
48:09- Julia reads from Parts per Million
1:10 - Julia provides a tip for success
Connect with Julia Stoops:
Julia’s website: http://juliastoops.com
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
The Pinewood Table: http://www.thepinewoodtable.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Episode 76: Michael (Mike) Copperman; Author of the heart-wrenching memoir - Teacher: Two Years in the Mississippi Delta
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 50 min.)
:30 - Introduction to Michael (Mike) Copperman
3:38 - Mike talks about his writing journey
4:42 - Mike shares what he is reading
6:04- Mike shares about his fiction short stories
7:05 - Mike & Vikki talk about university teaching & working with students
10:05 - Mike talks about his writing process
15:40 - Mike and Vikki talk about the development of the book, Teacher: Two Years in the Mississippi Delta
18:05 - Vikki & Mike talk about the line between memories and publishing a memoir
19:53- Mike shares the synopsis of the book
21:20 - Mike talks about his Teach for America experience
23:19- Mike talks about his publishing journey
24:55 - Mike shares his journey of finding an agent
30:50 - Mike & Vikki talk about support groups
33:00 - Mike shares his inspiration
36:27 - Mike talks about his future works & plans
39:00 - Mike reads from Teacher: Two Years in the Mississippi Delta
46:48 - Vikki & Mike talk about Vikki's followup questions from Mike’s reading
49:12 - Mike shares parting tips
Connect with Michael (Mike) Copperman:
Michael’s website: http://www.mikecopperman.com
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
Teach For America: https://www.teachforamerica.org
Oregon Writers Collective: https://www.facebook.com/OWCabout/
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 75: Bonus Episode: Shannon Kaiser- #1 International Bestselling Author, Global Speaker, and Empowerment Coach
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 50 min.)
:30 - Introduction to Shannon Kaiser
1:25 - Shannon shares about her personal journey & the start of her writing journey
3:00 - Shannon explains authentic living
6:25- Shannon talks about the birth of her book The Joy Seeker
7:47 - Vikki & Shannon talk about the book format
9:00 - Shannon shares her writing journey
11:45 - Shannon talks about co-publishing & her publishing journey
13:33 - Vikki & Shannon talk about discouragement
17:20 - Shannon talks about the phases of entrepreneurship
21:34 - Vikki shares her story about failure with Shannon
23:05 - Shannon talks about her website
26:05 - Shannon shares the information about her book, The Joy Seeker
30:50 - Shannon reads from The Joy Seeker
46:00 - Vikki & Shannon make plans for a future episode
47:20 - Shannon closes the podcast with her plans regarding a book tour & retreats & marketing advice for authors
Connect with Shannon Kaiser:
Shannon’s website: https://www.playwiththeworld.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 74: Erick W. Metz; Ghostwriter & Supernatural Fiction Author
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Episode 74: Erick W. Metz; Ghostwriter & Supernatural Fiction Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 53 min.)
:30 - Introduction to Erick Metz
2:00 - Erick shares what is on his reading list
3:35 - Erick & Vikki talk about world creation and D&D
4:40 - Erick talks about his genre
6:35- Erick shares about his writing journey
8:01 - Erick & Vikki talks about teaching and Erick’s social work
8:45 - Erick shares about his ghostwriting experiences
13:35- Erick talks about what genres he works on as an editor & what he’s skilled at as an editor
16:07 - Erick walks us through his writing process
23:20 - Erick & Vikki talk about his marketing strategies
28:06 - Erick shares about his involvement with the Willamette Writers
31:23 - Erick & Vikki talk about writing groups
33:26 - Erick shares his inspiration
37:40 - Erick reads from The Mask of Tomorrow
50:00 -Erick shares what is coming up for him in the next year & tips for aspiring authors
Connect with Erick W. Metz:
Erick’s Author website: www.erickmertzauthor.com
Erick’s Editing & Ghostwriting website: www.erickmertzwriting.com
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast:
20Booksto50K on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/20Booksto50k/
Bookfunnel: https://bookfunnel.com
Willamette Writers: https://willamettewriters.org
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Nov 11, 2019
Episode 73: Anne Leigh Parrish; Writer & Poet
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Episode 73: Anne Leigh Parrish; Writer & Poet
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 35 min.)
:32 - Introduction to Anne Leigh Parrish
2:15 - Anne shares what she is reading
3:38 - Anne talks about her educational background & her writing journey
8:13 - Anne shares about her writing process & writing poetry versus writing fiction
10:46- Anne talks about what genre she writes
11:54 - Anne shares about her publishing journey over the years
13:05 - Anne shares valuable advice about publishing & finding an agent
15:42- Anne and Vikki discuss marketing & working with a publicist
18:17 - Vikki & Anne talk about using short stories for exposure
20:10 - Anne provides tips about using Twitter
21:36 - Anne and Vikki talk about writer support groups & association groups
23:10 - Anne talks about her inspiration
24:19 - Anne shares her titles
26:25 - Anne reads from Maggie’s Ruse
Connect with Anne Leigh Parrish:
Anne’s website: https://anneleighparrish.com
Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
Poets & Writers: https://www.pw.org
Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP): https://www.awpwriter.org
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Oct 28, 2019
Episode 72: Rayne Lacko; YA Author & Creative Writing Instructor
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Monday Oct 28, 2019
Episode 72: Rayne Lacko; YA Author & Creative Writing Instructor
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 1 hour 15 min.)
:41 - Introduction to Rayne
3:07- Rayne shares what she is currently reading
4:42 - Rayne talks about her background
7:45 - Rayne shares about writing YA
8:46- Rayne & Vikki talk about rock-n-roll books
10:06 - Rayne shares her inspiration for her first book
15:35 - Rayne talks about her writing process & emotional payoff from characters
25:28 - Rayne shares about her publishing journey
30:00- Rayne shares advice about publishing
38:06 - Rayne talks with Vikki about Vikki’s writing journey
44:19 - Rayne shares her titles & her inspiration
48:09 - Rayne reads from A Song for the Road
1:02: Rayne shares one last tip for authors
Connect with Rayne Lacko:
Rayne Lacko’s website: https://raynelacko.wordpress.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
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Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Episode 71: Guest Author Lucas Dines: Historical Fiction; Cultural Fiction; Macedonia
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time min.)
:36 - Introduction to Lucas Dines
1:41- Lucas shares his location
2:16 - Lucas talks about his overseas journey
10:22 - Vikki & Lucas talk about how they connected
11:10 - Lucas discusses his writing journey
14:20 - Lucas shares the topic of his book
18:35 - Vikki & Lucas talk about his research for the book
23:18 - Lucas and Vikki talk about writing historical fiction
26:12- Lucas discusses his publishing journey
32:06 - Lucas reads from Sons of the Soil
47:00 - Lucas closes the podcast with a bit of advice for aspiring authors
Connect with Lucas:
Lucas’ Website: https://lucasdines.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Title: Amazing Plan by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Thanks For Listening
You can sign up to win free signed copies of books featured on this podcast here!
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