
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Episode 30: J.D. Barker; Guest Appearance - International Bestselling Author
Horror; Thriller; Suspense
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 54 minutes)
:30 - Introduction to J. D.
1:20 - J. D. shares about his desire to move to the Pacific Northwest
3:15 - J. D. talks about genres & labels
4:10 - J. D. discusses his advice from Dean Koontz about genres
6:40 - J. D. shares his early years as a reader
8:05 - J. D. & Vikki discuss when J. D. knew he was an author
10:25 - J. D. touches on what people say to discourage authors
11:10 - Vikki & J. D. discuss internal motivators to keep writing
11:45 - J. D. talks about his first book and his last day job
13:02 - J. D. shares about editing, his start as a ghostwriter and developing his craft
13:50 - Vikki asks J. D. about the "behind the scenes of ghostwriting"
15:40 - J. D. shares his excellent advice about what he learned as an editor/ghostwriter
15:45 - J. D. shares about his first book and the self-publishing journey
17:05 - J. D. talks about his experience with Stephen King and his first book
20:30 - J. D. shares about his second book and moving to traditional publishing
21:50 - Vikki & J. D. talk about the self-publishing model being a platform to traditional publishing
23:45 - J. D. shares the biggest mistake of self-publishing and his own writing process
25:10 - J. D. explains his view on critical reviews
26:05 - Vikki discusses her first critical review of her work in progress
27:00 - J. D. shares his latest book, Dracul, and his collaboration with Dacre Stoker
36:35 - J. D. talks about his tip about making yourself stand-out
38:35 - J. D. & Vikki talk about his works moving into different translations
46:05 - J. D. Asks Vikki about her current writing process & encourages her with advice
47:05 - Vikki and J. D. discuss staying healthy as an author
47:30 - J. D. reveals his future work and collaboration with James Patterson
51:40 - J. D. shares about an opportunity to hear him speak at the Chanticleer Book Reviews conference (CAC 2019)
Vikki closes the podcast with an announcement for authors in the Lower Columbia Region regarding submitting to the Salal Review; Volume 19. More information can be found here:
Connect with J. D. Barker:
J. D. Barker’s Website: http://jdbarker.com
Link to CAC 2019- J. D. Baker will be a Keynote Speaker: https://www.chantireviews.com/chanticleer-conference/chanticleer-authors-conference-presenters-and-faculty/
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 29: Pat O’Neil (AKA: P. A. O’Neil); Short-Stories
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 29: Pat O’Neil (AKA: P. A. O’Neil); Short-Stories
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 57:50 minutes)
:42 - Introduction to Pat O’Neil (short story pen name: P.A. O’Neil)
2:40 - Pat & Vikki talk about their author support network from work and family
3:45 - Vikki & Pat discuss having a day job and a writing life
5:06 - Pat shares about how she has developed some of her short stories
11:25 - Pat advises how to overcome editor’s comments & rejections. She shares how she learns from those experiences
17:20- Vikki & Pat talk about building a future audience using short story publication
18:25 - Pat discussions about organizations & online support groups
21:10 - Pat talks about writing as a mature; older adult moving into retirement age
21:46 - Pat starts the spooky episodes by reading from “Sara Hemming – Psychic Redecorator”
Vikki closes the podcast with an announcement for authors in the Lower Columbia Region regarding submitting to the Salal Review; Volume 19. More information can be found here:
Connect with Pat O’Neil (AKA: P. A. O’Neil):
P.A. O’Neil on Amazon:
P. A. O’Neil on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patt.oneil
List of Published Stories by P.A. O’Neil:
“Sara Hemming – Psychic Redecorator”, Anthology Askew Vol. 4 – Communications, RhetAskew Publishing (Oct 2017)
“Witness Testimony”, Relationship Add Vice, Zombie Pirate Publishing (Dec 2017)
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”, FLASHPOINT – The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Flash Fiction Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (Mar 2018)
“Girl of His Dreams”, STORM - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Fantasy Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (Apr 2018)
“KaDee Rose”, VORTEX - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Literary Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (May 2018)
“Trixie Neumann, I Want to be a Princess”, WINDOWS - The Inner Circle Writers’ Group Children’s Anthology, Clarendon House Publications (Jun 2018)
“Georgia, 1966”, Spillwords (3 July 2018), http://spillwords.com/georgia-1966/
“Pink and Gray Ash”, The Crow Literary Journal (Jul 2018)
“Bougie de Voyage”, Fae Thee Well, Dreampunk Publishing, (anticipated release early 2019)
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Episode 28: Steve Raabe; Short-Stories; Nevada State Trooper
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Episode 28: Steve Raabe; Short-Stories; Nevada State Trooper
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 31 minutes)
:42 - Introduction to Steve
2:55 - Vikki & Steve talk about their connections
4:25 - Steve shares a bit about himself
5:20 - Steve talks about his publishing journey
9:25 - Steve discusses working with an editor
12:05 - Vikki & Steve discuss marketing
16:45 - Steve talks about his inspiration & how he adapted the stories from personal accounts
20:35 - Steve reads two stories from “Patrolling the Heart of the West”
October Announcements:
Vikki closes the podcast with an announcement for authors in the Lower Columbia Region regarding submitting to the Salal Review; Volume 19. More information can be found here:
Connect with Steve Raabe:
Steve’s Website: https://www.raabebooks.com
Steve on Latah Books: https://www.latahbooks.com/steve-raabe
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Episode 27: William (Bill) Alton; Poet, YA Fiction, & Short-stories
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Episode 27: William (Bill) Alton; Poet, YA Fiction, & Short-stories
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 26 minutes)
:40 - Introduction to William (Bill) Alton
1:55 - Bill shares his approach to kindness & empathy
2:40 - Vikki & Bill talk about how he started his book “A Comfortable Madness”
5:20 - Bill talks about genre & the characters in his work
17:30 - Bill & Vikki discuss his publishing journey, and finding blocks of time write and market
11:50 - Vikki & Bill talk about using acting skills for speaking and readings
13:00 - Bill shares about support groups
15:10 - Bill shares about his inspiration & motivation
17:30 - Vikki & Bill talk about how writing has saved them
20:40 - Bill reads from “A Comfortable Madness”
24:00- Bill closes out the podcast with tips for aspiring authors
Connect with William (Bill) Alton:
Bill on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/balton3
Amazon: amazon.com/author/williamalton
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Sep 17, 2018
Episode 26: Michael Gurian; Short-Stories- Turkey, Middle East, America
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Episode 26: Michael Gurian; Short-Stories- Turkey, Middle East, America
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 49 minutes)
:40 - Introduction to Michael Gurian
3:40 - Michael shares a bit about himself
5:40 - Michael & Vikki discusses how non-fiction and fiction writing work together
6:40- Michael shares his publishing journey from traditional works to small printing press
10:40 - Michael shares advice about publishing and working with an agent
14:20 - Michael shares about author platforms & how he was developed his platform
19:40 - Michael talks about support groups
24:20 - Michael shares his inspiration
28:00- Michael reads from The Blind Woman & Other Short Stories
47:20- Michael closes the podcast sharing his future works in progress
Connect with Michael Gurian:
Michael’s Website: https://www.michaelgurian.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Episode 25: Deeann Graham; Short Stories about Alopecia
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Episode 25: Deeann Graham; Short Stories about Alopecia
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 40 minutes)
:37 - Introduction to Dee (Deeann) Graham
2:40 - Dee talks about being a life coach
3:40 - Dee introduces the listeners to alopecia
5:10- Dee tells her own story of alopecia
6:20 - Vikki & Dee talk about Vikki’s experiences with alopecia
7:40 - Dee shares something about herself & her writing
8:40 - Vikki & Dee talk about self-publishing her work, Heads-On; Stories of Alopecia
9:20 - Dee talks about the photograph in the work
10:20 - Dee shares about marketing the book
11:40 - Dee & Vikki talk about author support groups
13:40 - Dee share her inspiration for the work
15:20 - Dee shares what's in the works for her future writing projects
16:20 - Dee reads from Heads-On; Stories of Alopecia
38:42 - Dee closes the podcast discussing the charity group - Children’s Alopecia Project
Connect with Deeann Graham:
Deeann Graham on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/deeann.callisgraham
Deeann Graham’s Book Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/2014headon/
Deeann Graham’s Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/Deeann-Callis-Graham/e/B01MZWOEV1/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Children’s Alopecia Project: hhttps://childrensalopeciaproject.org
Skagit Valley Writers League: http://www.skagitwriters.org
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Episode 24: Alex Vigue; Poet (Updated Audio)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Episode 24: Alex Vigue; Poet (Updated Audio)
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 48 minutes)
:37 - Introduction to Alex
1:50- Alex shares a little bit about himself and his poetry
3:20 - Alex shares when he knew he was an author
4:20 - Alex shares his published titles & publishing poetry
6:40 - Vikki & Alex talk a bit about podcasting
7:52 - Alex & Vikki talk about social media, resources, and the learning curve
8:15- Alex talks about publishing a poetry book
12:29 - Alex shares marketing tips
16:45 - Alex talks about being an editor
18:00 - Alex talks about resubmitting work to publishers
20:20 - Vikki and Alex talk about editors for hire
23:30 - Alex talks about support groups
29:20 - Vikki & Alex discuss reading their work in public
34:40 - Alex shares his inspirations
38:50 - Alex reads several of his poems
Connect with Alex Vigue:
Alex’s Website: alexvigue.wordpress.com
Alex on Twitter: twitter.com/Kingwithnoname
Alex on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kingwithnoname
Alex’s Podcast: anchor.fm/literary-merit
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Ghost Town Poetry: http://christopherluna-poetry.blogspot.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Episode 23: Lilly Robbins Brock; Historical First Account WWII Stories
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Episode 23: Lilly Robbins Brock; Historical First Account WWII Stories
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 48 minutes)
:37 - Introduction to Lilly Robbins Brock
2:40 - Lilly shares about her entrepreneur past
5:20- Lilly talks about her geological research
7:20 - Lilly discusses her works in progress & her first WWI story
9:52 - Lily shares her titles & the history around her first three books
14:18 - Lilly discusses working with individuals and the process of first-person accounts
16:20 - Lilly discusses her self-publishing journey
17:20 - Lilly talks about her experiences with the self-publishing school (online course for authors)
21:21 - Vikki & Lilly talk about the podcast freebies & book giveaways
23:03 - Lilly discusses her support groups
25:50 - Vikki and Lilly talk about their library connections
27:42 - Lilly and Vikki discuss working from home and staying healthy
28: 35 - Lilly reads from Victory on the Homefront
Connect with Lilly Robbins Brock:
Lilly’s website: https://www.lillyrobbinsbrock.com
Lilly on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lillyrobbinsbrock/
Lily’s Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/Lilly-Robbins-Brock/e/B017OTBI2S/ref=dbs_p_ebk_rwt_abau
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Self-Publishing School: https://self-publishingschool.com
WordFest: http://www.alan-rose.com/wordfest/
One Stop for Writers Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/onestopforwriters/
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Episode 22: Anne Schroeder; Historical Fiction; Women in the West
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Episode 22: Anne Schroeder; Historical Fiction; Women in the West
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 48 minutes)
:49 - Introduction to Anne
4:10 - Anne & Vikki talk about “blooming where you are planted”
4:40 - Anne shares on thing about herself she’d like readers to know about her
5:20 - Vikki & Anne talk about researching
7:20 - Anne shares tips about timelines
8:10 - Anne talks about her titles
11:40 - Anne discusses her publishing journey and the history of publishing
19:20 - Anne talks about finding an agent & shares advice about agents
21:34 - Anne shares about her first support groups
24:30 -Anne talks about her writing process
28:20 -Anne shares her inspiration
32:03 - Anne reads from Walk the Promise Road
Connect with Anne Schroeder:
Anne’s website: https://anneschroederauthor.com
Anne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anneschroederauthor/
Anne on Twitter: https://twitter.com/anneschroeder2
Anne’s Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/Anne-Schroeder/e/B005O52T3C/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.

Monday Aug 13, 2018
Episode 21: Denise Kawaii; Science Fiction; YA; Memoir Author
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Episode 21: Denise Kawaii; Science Fiction; YA; Memoir Author
In This Episode, You’ll Hear:
(Podcast run time 56 minutes)
:49 - Introduction to Denise Kawaii
2:05 - Denise describes her urban farm
5:45 - Denise reveals what she would like new readers to know about her
7:30 - Vikki & Denise discuss letting your artistic side show to others
9:00 - Denise shares her titles & her pen names
12:53 - Denise shares advice she was given about writing in different genres
13:31 - Denise shares her publish journey from traditional to indie
18:30 - Denise provides advice to new authors about publishing
19:57 - Denise talks about the early years and finding an agent or not
21:45 - Denise & Vikki discuss marketing & conventions
28:05 - Denise talks about support groups & small book store owners
31:40 - Denise shares news about her own podcast she is doing
33:12 - Denise talks about her inspiration
35:10 - Denise reads from Woman with a Thousand Hats, her memoir
Connect with Denise Kawaii:
Denise’s website: https://kawaiitimes.com
Denise on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/KawaiiTimesAuthor/
Denise on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kawaii_times_author/
Denise on Pintrest: https://www.pinterest.com/Kawaii_Times_Author/
Denise’s Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/author/denisekawaii
Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast on YouTube:
Vault & Brew Bookstore: http://www.vaultbooksandbrew.com
Northwest Independent Writers Association: https://www.niwawriters.com
Podcast Music Credits:
Artist: Kevin MacLead
Title: Backbay Lounge
Album: Teh Jazzes, 2017
Website: https://incompetech.com/music/
Thanks For Listening
Thanks for listening!. If you have something you’d like to share with me, please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or our website. Write a review on iTunes.